When it can be used

Some Q&A

Getting ready to start the program at 2-3 weeks after baby is born requires getting baby's doctor approval. Normally, you and baby will visit baby's doctor within a week after baby's birth. This is a good time to bring the book to let the doctor know exactly what exercises and you will be doing for the first 5 weeks that you pursue the program with your baby. After your doctor's approval you may begin. If you start the program soon after, using all of the appropriate exercises that are presented, your chances of staying with the program and enjoying its rewards will be greatly enhanced. For moms who begin to use shared exercising later, you will find that you may skip some of the more basic workouts. Although best results are usually achieved when starting only a few weeks after baby is born, it is possible to start later and go at your own pace. The book simply serves as a recommended schedule for the completion of exercises and workouts. There is absolutely no rush to start exercising with baby if you feel he/she is not ready for it.